Chapter 2: Israel: Strategic Assets or Strategic Burdens?
Chapter 2: The increasingly untenable moral reasons
What is the 'Israeli lobbying group' in Chapter 4?
Chapter 5: Policy Manipulation Process
Chapter 6: Control of Public Discourse
Part 2: Israeli lobbying groups in action
Part 2 Introduction
Chapter 7: The Israeli Lobby Group and the Palestinians
Chapter 8: Iraq and the Dream of Transforming the Middle East
Chapter 9: Targeting Syria
Chapter 10: Targeting Iran
Chapter 11: The Israeli Lobby Group and the Second Lebanon War
What should be done with the conclusion?
Chapter 1: The Largest Sponsor
On July 26, 1994, whenIsraeli Prime Minister Yitzhak RabinWhen Yitzhak Rabin appeared at the joint session of the two houses of Congress, his enthusiastic words had no typical features, 'We are not only grateful to you.'. When he extended his comments to the "delightful American people", Rabin stressed that "we cannot express our gratitude in words for your generous support, understanding and cooperation, which is unparalleled in modern history..." Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Two years later, the tragedy of Rabin's assassination occurred, and one of his successorsBenjamin Netanyahu(Benjamin Netanyahu) Standing at the same place, he expressed his gratitude similar to Rabin's: "The United States has given Israel - how can I tell you about it? In addition to political and military support, the United States has also given Israel generous and noble assistance in the economic field. Thanks to the help of the United States, Israel has become a powerful modern country." He said to his audience: "When I say this to you today, I know that I am saying 'Thank you, American people' on behalf of every Israeli and every Jewish in the world." Don't forget to share your experience!
These statements - and others like them - are not just typical fancy words spoken by visiting foreign officials. The words spoken by Rabin and Netanyahu, Don't forget to share your experience!Accurately described the extraordinary support that the United States has provided to this Jewish state for a long time.
The money of American taxpayers is used to subsidize the development of the Israeli economy and rescue it from those financial crises. The military assistance from the United States strengthened Israel's power during the war and maintained its military dominance in the Middle East. During both wartime and peacetime, Washington provided extensive diplomatic support to Israel and protected it from the adverse consequences of its actions. What do you think about this?
Due to the Camp David Accords or the peace treaties between Israel, Egypt, and Jordan that clearly relied on commitments to increase US aid, the United States has also been a major factor in the ongoing Arab Israeli peace process. Compared to any other country, the United States is Israel's largest sponsor. What do you think about this?
economic aid
The most obvious indicator of Israel's advantageous position is the total amount of foreign aid it receives from American taxpayers.For example, in 2005, the direct economic and military aid provided by the United States to Israel reached 154 billion US dollars (in 2005 US dollars), Let me know your thoughts in the comments!Most of them are composed of direct grants rather than loansAs discussed below, the actual total is significantly higher than this number because the direct aid conditions provided by the United States are exceptionally favorable, and the United States also offers material aid to Israel that is not included in its foreign aid budget. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Because such a level of support for Israel is hardly questioned today, I've found that it's easy for people to forget, Don't forget to share your experience!The current 'special relationship' between the United States and Israel only emerged decades after the founding of Israel.
Before World War II, although American leaders occasionally verbally expressed support for the Zionist goal of establishing a Jewish homeland, no president made significant efforts to advance this goal. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
WhenHarry S TrumanPresident Harry S. Truman decided to support the United Nations' 1947 partition plan and immediately recognized Israel after it declared independence in May 1948. He did play a key role in supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland. However, Have you tried this before? Share your story!The Truman and Eisenhower administrationsAlso aware that holding onto Israel too tightly would threaten the relationship between the United States and the Arab world, tempting the Soviet Union to gain an opportunity to increase its influence in the Middle East. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Therefore, inDuring the 1950sThe United States seeks to take a middle ground between Israel and its Arab neighbors; The economic assistance provided by the United States to Israel is moderate, and almost no direct military aid is provided to Israel. Israel's requests to purchase weapons from the United States and to receive security guarantees from the United States were politely rejected. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
During this period, there were several sharp diplomatic differences between Washington and Jerusalem.
When Israel ignored the demands of the United Nations and built a canal in September 1953, diverting water from the Jordan River, What do you think about this?John Foster Dulles Secretary of State John Foster Dulles immediately announced the termination of US diplomatic aid to Israel. The threat had an immediate effect: Israel agreed to halt its water diversion plan on October 27th, and US aid resumed accordingly. Don't forget to share your experience!
Persuading Israel to withdrawThe 1956 Suez Canal WarThe threat of stopping US aid also played a crucial role in the territorial issue that China seized from Egypt.
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion understood that war was an opportunity for territorial expansion, so he began discussions with Britain and France - the main instigators of the attack on Egypt - before the war, Don't forget to share your experience!Suggest that Israel and Iraq separate parts of Jordan and Lebanon and give them to Israel, allowing Israel to control the Straits of Tiran in the Sinai Peninsula Have you tried this before? Share your story!.
Due to the fact that both Britain and France are fully focused on Egypt, they are not interested in this grand plan. However, in several statements made by Ben Gurion after the Israeli Defense Forces conquered the Sinai Peninsula, including a speech in parliament on November 7th, he believed that the 1949 ceasefire agreement was no longer valid and that Israel intended to retain the land it had just acquired. When Eisenhower threatened to stop all public and private aid to Israel, Ben Gurion immediately backed down and promised to withdraw from the occupied land "in principle" in exchange for sufficient security guarantees for Israel. Don't forget to share your experience!
Later, Israel rallied support for itself in the United States, which weakened congressional support for Eisenhower and led to him giving a nationwide televised speech to defend his actions. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In the spring of 1957, Israel finally withdrew from the territories it had occupied, on the condition that its borders in the Gaza Strip were secure and its freedom of navigation rights in the Strait of Tiran were guaranteed. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Late 1950sThe US Israel relationship has warmed up, butkennedy administration At that time,The United States has truly committed to Israel's military security for the first time.
In fact, in December 1962, Kennedy toldIsraeli Foreign Minister Golda MeirGolda Meir The 'special relationship' that the United States has with Israel in the Middle East can only be compared to its relationship with Britain in a wide range of world affairs. He continued, "In my experience I've found that it's very clear that if there is an invasion of Israel, the United States will come to support Israel. We have this ability, and I've found that it's constantly increasing What do you think about this?
Shortly thereafter,Kennedy authorized the sale of the first major weapon to Israel in 1963, the Hawk antiaircraft missilesThis shift reflects many strategic considerations, such as balancing Soviet arms sales to Egypt, dispelling Israel's nuclear ambitions, and encouraging Israeli leaders to respond well to US peace initiatives; However, skilled Israeli diplomacy, the influence of several pro Israel advisers, and Kennedy's desire to maintain the support of Jewish voters and donors also played a role in his decision. What do you think about this?
The sale of Hawker anti-aircraft missiles opened the door for several other weapon transactions, the most notable of which was the sale of over 200 M48A battlefield tanks in 1964. Don't forget to share your experience!In order to cover up the involvement of the United States in this arms sale and limit the reaction of this event in the Arab world, these tanks were transported by the Federal Republic of Germany to Israel, while the Federal Republic of Germany received alternative weapons from the United States. Don't forget to share your experience!
However,As for the absolute amount of US aid to Israel, the real mutation occurred in the Six Day War that followed in June 1967 Don't forget to share your experience!.
From 1949 to 1965, the United States provided approximately $63 million in annual aid to Israel, of which over 95% was economic and food aid; Between 1966 and 1970, the annual aid increased to 102 million US dollars; In 1971, US aid surged to $634.5 million - approximately 85% of which was military aid; In the Yom Kippur War of 1973, also known as the October War, the amount of aid was five times that of 1971. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In 1976, Israel became the largest recipient of foreign aid from the United States each year, and this position has remained to this day. Have you tried this before? Share your story!During this period, support for Israel shifted from loans to direct grants, with the majority of it being military aid from the United States rather than economic or technological support. Don't forget to share your experience!
According to Clyde Mark of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the official weapons research agency of the United States Congress:“Israel prefers aid in the form of loans rather than grants to avoid a US military delegation supervising grant projects in Israel. Have you tried this before? Share your story!Since 1974, some or all of the military aid provided by the United States to Israel has been in the form of loans, and the United States has waived the requirement for loan repayment. Technically speaking, aid is called a loan, but military aid is actually a grant Don't forget to share your experience!
Israel currently receives approximately $3 billion in direct foreign aid from the United States each year, which accounts for about 1/6 of the US direct foreign aid budget and approximately 2% of Israel's gross domestic product. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In recent years, approximately 75% of the US aid to Israel has been military in nature, with the remaining portion being broken down into various forms of economic aid. What do you think about this?If calculated based on per capita GDP, this level of foreign aid is equivalent to a direct subsidy of $500 per year to each Israeli. Compared to this, Egypt, which ranks second in receiving foreign aid from the United States, only receives $20 per person; Poor countries like Pakistan and Haiti receive an average of only $5 and $27 per person in foreign aid, respectively. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Jerusalem and Washington agreed to gradually cease US economic aid to Israel starting from 1997.Since fiscal year 1999, the US Congress has been reducing economic aid to Israel by $12 million annually. This reduction step has been compensated through a parallel plan in which the United States pledged to increase military aid by $60 million annually, as well as a package plan in which Congress voted to support additional aid. The parallel plan for military aid and the package of additional aid include $1.2 billion to support the implementation of the 1998 Wye Agreement, in which Israel agreed to withdraw from parts of the West Bank, as well as an additional $1 billion in US foreign military financial assistance to help Israel prepare for the Iraq War in 2003. Don't forget to share your experience!
$3 billion per year is already generous enough, but I've found that it's hardly the entirety of the aid reality. As pointed out above, a significant amount of other benefits that Israel received were omitted from the prescribed $3 billion, therefore, the aforementioned US support for Israel is significantly discounted from actual support. In fact, Lee Hamilton, a Democratic congressman from Indiana, told reporters in 1991 that Israel was one of the three countries that received aid in "actual amounts far exceeding commonly cited numbers," stating that the actual amount exceeded $4.3 billion annually. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!