Author: Norman Ohler
Translator: Qiang Chaohui
Publisher: Social Science Literature Publishing House
Publication time: October 1, 2018

Product manual (in sequence)
I was first inKoblenzDiscovered this clue. Specifically, I've found that it's located in the German Federal Archives, a cement building from the 1980s. At that time, there was silence all around. The will of Hitler's physician Morel was spread out in front of me, and I was deeply attracted to it, unable to stop. I flipped through Morel's schedule book over and over again: mysterious notes and annotations, each pointing to the same person - "Patient A. I held up a magnifying glass, trying to identify the blurry and messy handwriting that almost covered every page of the paper. Some records are just a few simple letters, such as "Inj. w. i." or only one letter "X". As time passed, the world before my eyes suddenly became clear: (These words indicate) injecting drugs with normal and strange ingredients, as well as continuously increasing doses. What do you think about this?
Ingredients and functions
This book aims to set aside appearances and observe from within the "hot blooded" murderous demons, as well as the meek and blind followers who strive to distinguish themselves from inferior races and other toxins, allowing their gaze to penetrate through every vein and artery, delving deep into the body of the Nazis. The blood flowing inside is not pure Aryan blood, but chemical German blood, and is filled with toxins. Because when ideology is not enough to support it, people can only disregard the ban and use drugs as an aid without restraint, whether at the bottom or top. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In this regard, Hitler is also undoubtedly the 'F ü hrer'.Even the military uses the stimulant methamphetamine (now known as "methamphetamine") as a ration and distributes it on a large scale to soldiers to ensure the smooth implementation of offensive operations. Don't forget to share your experience!
Through the attitudes of these war criminals towards drugs, we can discover a hypocritical sanctity. Exposing it can give us a new understanding of the decisive factors behind the actions of these people. A mask will be torn off from this, and we never even knew about its existence before. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Part One: Mass Drugs - Methamphetamine (1933-1938)
Nazism is toxic, and literally it lives up to its name.It has left the world with a harmful chemical heritage, a drug that cannot be easily eradicated.Although the Nazis had carefully crafted a clean image for themselves and implemented ideological anti drug policies through massive propaganda and severe punishment measures, in reality, it was under Hitler's rule that a highly addictive and stimulating evil potion became a popular consumer product. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In the 1930s,This medicine is made into pills, stick it onBai FeidingThe trademark "Pervitin" became widely recognized and easily available in every pharmacy throughout the German Empire and later occupied countries in Europe in its legal form, becoming a "mass drug". Baifeiding did not become a prescription drug until 1939 and was placed under the control of the Imperial Opium Administration Act (Reichsopiumgesetz) in 1941. Don't forget to share your experience!
The ingredient of this drug is Methamphetamin, which is considered a prohibited substance or a subject of strict control worldwide today. Have you tried this before? Share your story!But at the same time, I've found that it's also one of the most popular drugs among drug addicts, with nearly 100 million users worldwide, and the number is still on the rise. Most of these drugs are purified and processed by chemical novices in underground laboratories, and are referred to by the media as' crystal Meth '. Drug users usually consume large doses through smoking. This crystalline 'devil drug' has an unimaginable popularity, and Germany is no exception. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
The number of people trying drugs for the first time has been increasing here. At parties, among those eager for outstanding performance in companies, councils, and universities, this dangerous but highly stimulating stimulant may come in handy. It can eliminate drowsiness and hunger, causing hallucinations, but at the same time, I've found that it's also a drug that is harmful to health and has potential destructive effects on the human body (especially methamphetamine processed and synthesized using common methods), and is easily addictive. This drug has been little known for many years in the prosperous history of the Third Reich. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Germany - The Land of Drugs
After the end of World War I, the situation did not change for a short period of time. Britain and France were able to dominate the market with natural stimulants imported from overseas colonies - coffee, tea, pepper, and other natural medicines - while Germany, which had lost its (originally few) overseas territories due to the Treaty of Versailles, had to find another way out, specifically through artificial manufacturing. At this moment, what the country urgently needs is an uplifting 'energy agent'. Don't forget to share your experience!
The failure of the war brought profound trauma and unbearable pain to Germany, both physically and mentally. In the 1920s, the importance of drugs became increasingly prominent among emotionally depressed populations throughout Germany, from the Baltic Sea to the Alps. Don't forget to share your experience!Coincidentally, the technology for producing drugs is also readily available.
From then on, the modern pharmaceutical industry became a key focus of development for the German economy, and many chemical products familiar to people today were developed and patented in a very short period of time. German companies have become leaders in the global market in one fell swoop. Have you tried this before? Share your story!They not only occupy the majority of the global pharmaceutical market shareAt the same time, it has become a major supplier of chemical raw materials around the world.
A new type of economy emerged, and the area between Oberursel and Odenwald became the 'Silicon Valley of Chemistry'.
Many small businesses that were once unknown have become industry giants overnight.
In 1925, several large chemical companies merged to form IG Farben, located in Frankfurt. This was one of the strongest large enterprises in the world at that time. Opium preparations remain a distinctive product of Germany. What do you think about this?
In 1926, Germany became the leading producer of morphine and the largest exporter of heroin, with 98% of its products sold abroad. From 1925 to 1930, Germany produced 91 tons of heroin, accounting for 40% of the world's total production. In 1925, under pressure from the Treaty of Versailles, Germany signed a treaty restricting opium trade with certain reservations of rights What do you think about this?The International Opium ConventionIt was not until 1929 that the Berlin government approved the agreement. But in 1928, the total amount of opium produced in Germany was still as high as about 200 tons. Don't forget to share your experience!
In the production of another drug,Germany also ranks among the top: Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Knoll, the three major pharmaceutical companies, account for over 80% of global cocaine production. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Especially Merck's cocaine products have become the world's largest brand, with millions of counterfeit trademarks printed by counterfeiters in China alone. What do you think about this?Hamburg becomes the largest transit point for cocaine raw materials in Europe Every year, thousands of kilograms of cocaine are illegally imported from here, such as Peru exporting all of its cocaine raw materials (an average of 5 tons per year) to Germany for reprocessing. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
The Fachgruppe Opium und Kokain, a professional association composed of German drug manufacturers, actively works as an interest group to coordinate close cooperation between the government and the chemical industry. Two major monopolistic alliances, established by several large enterprises, divided the lucrative market of the entire "Earth Circle" according to the "Cartel Agreement". Don't forget to share your experience!
These two alliances are known as the "Cocaine Agreement" and the "Opium Agreement". Merck played a leadership role in both organizations. The young republic was deeply intoxicated by these consciousness changing and hallucinogenic drugs, which spread heroin and cocaine in all directions and became the operators of the global drug industry. What do you think about this?
Part 2 "The Victory of Drug Abuse!" - Blitzkrieg is the Ice Drug War (1939-1941)
Part Three "The Drunken Leader!" - Patient A and His Personal Doctor (1941-1944)
Part Four: The Last Stand - Blood and Poison (1944-1945)