Author: Anne Jacobson
Translator: Wang Zuning
Publisher: New World Press
Publication time: July 1, 2012

Born with classified information
This book is not fictional, all the stories and characters in the book are completely true. In the process of creating this book, I interviewed 74 people who have absolute first-hand knowledge of this secret base, including 32 who have lived and worked in Area 51 before. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Area 51 is the highest secret military base in the United States.The area is located in the plateau desert 75 miles north of Las Vegas in southern Nevada. The various facilities were built around the flat and dry riverbed of Lake Grom over the past 60 years. However, the US government has never acknowledged the existence of Area 51. What do you think about this?
To understand the history of Area 51, the first thing to know is that I've found that it's located inNevada Test and Training RangeAnd this shooting range is the largest piece of land under the control of the US government, with an area of approximately 4687 square miles (1 square mile is equivalent to 2.6 square kilometers), second only to Connecticut, more than three times the size of Rhode Island and more than twice the size of Delaware. In this vast and boundless desert, there is a land area of 1350 square miles called the Nevada Test Site, which is the only location in the inland United States similar to Area 51. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Since 1951, with the approval of President Truman, a total of 105 nuclear weapons have been detonated on the ground of the test site, and 828 have been detonated in underground tunnels and vertical shafts. On September 23, 1992, the last nuclear weapon test site on US soil was the Nevada Test Site. In addition to the heavily guarded nuclear laboratory, this place also possesses a large amount of weapons grade plutonium and uranium, which can be considered the most abundant in the United States. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Area 51 is adjacent to the Nevada Test Range, located 5 miles northeast of its northernmost point, and is therefore also within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The purpose of this book is to uncover these secrets, as all events that occurred in Area 51 and most events that occurred at the Nevada Test and Training Range were highly classified at the time of the event. The Central Intelligence Agency declassified two early plans conducted at Lake Grom in 1998 and 2007, namely the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft and the A-12 "Bullcart" reconnaissance aircraft. However, in the thousands of pages of decrypted files and reports, the name of Area 51 has either been altered or completely erased, with only two exceptions that seem more like typographical errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In the past few decades, relevant departments have been secretive about the government plans and actions mentioned in the book, some of which are understandable, some are controversial, and some may not even happen. These actions are mostly carried out under the guise of national security and involve many cutting-edge technologies. Father of the Atomic Bomb Don't forget to share your experience!J. Robert Oppenheimer In an interview in his later years, he once said, "Science is not everything, but science is beautiful." For Oppenheimer's famous quote, readers may want to make a conclusion after reading this book. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Not only Congress, but also the entire American people are kept in the dark about the black operations and government plans described in this book. To understand how these black schemes took shape and why they continue to operate today, we must start with the invention of the atomic bomb. It was the leaders of the Manhattan Project who established the initial rules for the subsequent black operations, making the atomic bomb the pioneer of all black projects and secret operations. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Manufacturing atomic bombs is the most expensive engineering project in American history.The nuclear explosion conducted at the White Sands Test Site in the highland desert of New Mexico from 1942 to July 16, 1945, cost a staggering $28 billion based on the inflation rate at the time. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
This plan not only seemed unimaginable at the time, but its secrecy has not diminished to this day. When the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima for the first time, the world was shocked, but the most surprising was the US Congress, as all members of Congress were unaware of the plan before that. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
On April 12, 1945, Vice President Harry Truman was equally stunned when he learned about the atomic bomb upon assuming the presidency. As Vice President, Truman also served as the Chairman of the Senate Defense Projects Investigation Special Committee, which meant he was responsible for overseeing the flow of funds during the war. However, before becoming President, he knew nothing about the engineering of building atomic bombs, and two people conveyed relevant information to him: the President's Science Policy Advisor Have you tried this before? Share your story!Vannevar BushAnd the Minister of WarHenry L Stimson Bush was in charge of the Manhattan Project, while Stimson was in charge of the war.
The Manhattan Project employed approximately 200000 people and had 80 office locations and dozens of manufacturing factories across the country. This includes a 60000 acre facility in rural Tennessee, which consumes more electricity on certain nights than the entire city of New York. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
As for how powerful these black actions are, it may be a glimpse from them.
Grom Lake, Nevada, photographed in 1917. This used to be just a dried up lake bed in the southern desert plateau of Nevada, but now it has become the world's most secretive military base - Area 51. (University of Nevada, Reno, Special Collection) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Overlooking from the highest point of the ancient Grom mine, taken in 1917. It was not until the 1950s that the federal government took over this lake basin and adjacent areas. (University of Nevada, Reno, Special Collection) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
This is a scene from the sky overlooking Area 51. This precious photo was first published in this book, taken around 1964. Have you tried this before? Share your story!(University of Nevada, Reno, Special Collection)
In 1945, Nazi scientist Dr. Walter Riedel was captured by the US military. This photo is being released for the first time. Due to his production of a "bacterial bomb" for Hitler, his front teeth were knocked off by American soldiers during interrogation. (Provided by the National Archives of the United States) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The characters in the picture are said to be Stalin's secret UFO research team, from left to right: Sergei Korolev, chief missile designer and inventor of artificial satellites, Igor Kurchatov, father of the Soviet atomic bomb, and Mstislav Keldysh, mathematician, theorist, and pioneer of space technology. (Provided by M.V. Keldysh Museum, Russia) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In May 1945, a photo of the Horton V all wing aircraft appeared in a report titled "Horton Wineless Aircraft" by the US Army Intelligence Division G-2. (Provided by the National Archives of the United States) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In 1945, in a report by the G-2 Intelligence Department on the Horton Brothers aircraft, a peculiar parabolic shaped aircraft appeared. In July 1947, after the foreign disc-shaped plane crash in New Mexico, the Counterintelligence Department began a search operation in Western Europe for the Horton brothers and so-called "flying saucers". (Provided by the National Archives of the United States) Don't forget to share your experience!
This illustration from the 1946 "Operation Crossroads" commemorative yearbook shows that Roswell Army Air Base was the location where the United States conducted its first nuclear test since the beginning of the Cold War. (Provided by Richard S. Liwana/United States Army Air Forces) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In July 1946, Richard S., the father of high-altitude reconnaissance Colonel Livona took photos at Bikini Atoll during Operation Crossroads. At that time, his task was to capture nuclear explosion scenes from the air. Subsequently, reconnaissance aircraft and artificial satellites gradually emerged. (Provided by the United States Army Air Forces) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In 1946, in Brizburg, TexasPaper clip operationscientist. Before 1945, they had served Hitler. After the end of World War II, these "geniuses" quickly began serving the US military and various intelligence agencies. The relevant documents have not yet been made public. The seventh person from the right in the front row with their hand in their pocket is rocket expert Wernher von Braun. (Provided by NASA) What do you think about this?
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On January 1, 1947, a V-2 rocket designed by German scientists was installed on the launch pad at the White Sands Test Site in New Mexico. Five months later, another V-2 rocket deviated from its intended orbit. Although no one died in the accident, the United States has begun investigating Germany's "paperclip scientists". (Provided by NASA/Marshall Aviation Center) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
After the "harassment operation" and the search for the Horton brothers, people came up with this sketch of the Horton airplane design. (Provided by the Ministry of National Defense) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
A rare photo taken in 1955 from the northeast direction of Area 51. The triangular mountain peak in the middle right of the photo is Tikab Valley, which is the only location where curious people can peek into Area 51 from a distance. (Provided by the Franklin Heritage Foundation/Central Intelligence Agency) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
During the training to pilot the first CIA reconnaissance plane, pilots such as Herv Stockman and Tony Bevaqua lived in trailers in Area 51. (Provided by the Franklin Heritage Foundation/Central Intelligence Agency) Don't forget to share your experience!
In 1955, in Area 51, parts of a U-2 aircraft were slowly sliding down a transport plane. This is the first reconnaissance aircraft developed by the CIA. In order to maintain confidentiality, the U-2 aircraft was dismantled and transported in batches by Air Force pilots to Area 51. The pilot first arrived over the Mojave Desert based on the designated coordinates, and then called a ultra-high frequency control center called "Saiqi" through radio and listened to instructions. When the plane is only a few hundred feet away from the ground, the lights on the runway will suddenly turn on. (Provided by the Franklin Heritage Foundation/Central Intelligence Agency) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In 1956, early U-2 reconnaissance aircraft conducted test flights in Area 51. A staff member is standing on the wing. (Provided by the Franklin Heritage Foundation/Central Intelligence Agency) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
During World War II, Stockman left Princeton University and joined the United States Army Air Corps. In 1956, he was the first pilot to fly a U-2 reconnaissance aircraft over Soviet airspace. Stockman participated in three wars and carried out a total of 310 combat missions. In June 1967, he suffered a plane crash over North Vietnam and was subsequently detained for nearly six years. (Provided by Hervy S. Stockman) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In 1956, at the age of only 19, T D. Barnes served in the Korean War. The photo on the desk shows his newlywed wife Doris, and they are still very happy to this day. Barnes is a radar technology expert who has been working for the CIA since 1958. (Provided by T. D. Barnes) Don't forget to share your experience!
Before being transferred to Area 51, radar expert T D. Barnes is working on a joint project between NASA and the CIA at Mount Beatty. Barnes tracked the whereabouts of a reconnaissance plane 60 miles away from Grom Lake here, which looked like a crow in size. (Provided by NASA) Don't forget to share your experience!
On April 4, 1957, U-2 pilot Robert Skel tragically passed away. The national flag of Area 51 is lowered to half mast in mourning. (Provided by the Franklin Heritage Foundation/Central Intelligence Agency) Don't forget to share your experience!
The black device hanging under the hot air balloon in Zone 9 of the Nevada Test Site is an atomic bomb codenamed "Hood". Its explosive yield is 74000 tons, making it the largest atmospheric nuclear test conducted by the United States. On July 5, 1957, this photo was taken from a ladder just minutes before the nuclear explosion. Alfred O'Donnell ultimately completed the launch system for the nuclear bomb. Area 51 is located in the mountains far to the right of the device. (Provided by the National Nuclear Security Agency of the United States) Don't forget to share your experience!
The radioactive smoke produced by the Hood nuclear bomb. From the photo, it can be seen that the right side of the mushroom cloud stem has turned into a sea of fire. About an hour after the nuclear bomb detonated, security personnel Richard Mingus drove through the raging mountains at the epicenter projection point and erected a guardrail at the security gate in Area 51. (Provided by the National Nuclear Security Agency of the United States) What do you think about this?
In the summer of 1957, staff entered the underground nuclear test tunnel in Zone 12 of the Nevada Test Site through the entrance. (Provided by the National Nuclear Security Agency of the United States) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
This rare photo was taken around 1957 and shows Building 82 in the pictureLockheed CorporationThe location of the Skunk Works. In the depths of the room is the world's first soundproof room. Subsequently, a shoe sized CIA reconnaissance aircraft model will be suspended from the ceiling for testing. (Provided by Lockheed Martin Corporation) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
District 13 is located within District 51. In a "dirty bomb" test in 1957, this area was contaminated with plutonium elements. In 1960, due to the theft of a "radioactive substance" stored in Zone 13, the Atomic Energy Commission launched an investigation and took a series of photos. This photo is one of them, and it was also first published in this book. After the "dirty bomb" test, someone cut open the fence hanging with the "alpha ray contaminated area" sign and stole a small cargo open top truck model from 1952. This model has been contaminated with plutonium elements, and the staff are preparing to bury it deep in a hazardous waste pit. (Provided by the National Nuclear Security Agency of the United States) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
This picture was taken in 1959, before the CIA officially signed the relevant contract, a physical sized "ox cart" model was being assembled in Area 51. (Provided by Zoujuan International/CIA) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
People are setting up the iconic radar test pole in Area 51.EG&G CompanyThe radar antenna responsible for operation and monitoring is located 1 mile away from the test pole. (Provided by Zoujuan International/CIA) Don't forget to share your experience!
In this photo, only the top of the test pole with a total length of 55 feet can be seen, which is less than 8 feet. The remaining parts are located under a concrete platform, and people can manipulate them in the basements on both sides of the platform. (Provided by Zoujuan International/CIA) Don't forget to share your experience!
If working at night, Soviet spy satellites would be difficult to detect. It takes 18 minutes to lift the airplane model onto the test pole and another 18 minutes to remove it, "said Lovick." The remaining time for radar testing and data recording is very limited. "After the testing work is completed, the staff must immediately remove it and quickly transport it back to the hangar. (Provided by Zoujuan International/CIA) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In the 1960s, someone took a photo of this nuclear powered rocket test facility from above the Foolish Donkey Valley in District 25. A remotely controlled rail connects the ETS-1, E-MAD, and R-MAD test sites and transports highly radioactive nuclear reactors between them. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
President Kennedy is inspecting the NERVA nuclear facility in Zone 25. The project plans to build a nuclear powered rocket spacecraft to send humans to Mars in just 124 days. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
During his time working on the nuclear powered spacecraft project, T.D. Barnes had to pass through a 1150 foot underground tunnel in Zone 25 every day. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
From the No.1 engine test stand, it can be seen that the rocket engine is placed upside down to prevent takeoff during testing. Due to the high test temperature of 3680.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the nuclear reactor inside the engine must be continuously cooled with liquid hydrogen. These liquid hydrogen are packed in the white industrial Dewar flask on the right. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) What do you think about this?
The Yaka Valley is distributed in several areas of the Nevada Test Site and is the most severely damaged area by nuclear explosions on Earth. This photo was taken in winter from a helicopter over Zone 10. The largest crater ahead is the Saidan crater that can be seen from space. After a nuclear bomb with an equivalent weight of 104000 tons exploded 635 feet underground, it instantly moved 12 million tons of radioactive dust, forming this crater that is 1280 feet wide and 320 feet deep. (Provided by the National Nuclear Security Agency of the United States) What do you think about this?
In the Bay of Pigs crisis, Richard Bissell, a CIA officer who built Area 51, was ruined. This rare photo was taken in April 1962, showing Bissell shaking hands with Louis Schalke, the first test pilot of the A-12 "Bullcart". At that time, he had already resigned. (Provided by Lockheed Martin Corporation) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The first A-12 passed through Bath Canyon in California and headed towards Area 51. In order to deceive people, the cargo box was disguised. (Provided by the CIA) What do you think about this?
The A-12 ejection seat test was conducted in the Grom Gan Lake Basin. (Provided by Zoujuan International/CIA)
An A-12 training aircraft is currently undergoing test flights. From the photo, it can be seen that there are two cockpits on the plane, one sitting with a coach and the other sitting with a trainer. The A-12 training aircraft cannot reach a speed of Mach 3, which requires CIA pilots to explore on their own. (Provided by the CIA) Don't forget to share your experience!
In April 1962, an A-12 "ox cart" landed on the runway of Area 51. (Provided by Zoujuan International/CIA)
The A-12 "ox cart" hidden behind obstacles in Area 51. In order to complete the CIA's 15 reconnaissance planes, a total of 2400 mechanics from Lockheed Skunk Works participated in this work. The unique adjustable insertable cones on both sides of the aircraft can be used to control the airflow, ensuring that CIA reconnaissance aircraft can achieve stable navigation at a speed of 3.29 Mach before May 1965. (Provided by Lockheed Martin Corporation) What do you think about this?
During the "Bullcart Project", Frank Murray was responsible for piloting the F-101 "Magician" fighter jet to track the A-12. During the test flight, due to the unfortunate death of CIA pilot Walter Ray outside Area 51, General Ledford ordered Murray to take over Ray's position. This photo was taken by Murray at Kadena Air Force Base on Okinawa Island before he went to North Vietnam to carry out Operation Black Shield. (Provided by Frank Murray) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In the mid-1960s, Edward Lovick stood next to a waveguide at the Skunk Works. His task is to reduce the radar cross-section of A-12 to meet the requirements of the CIA. (Provided by Lockheed Martin Corporation) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
This photo of the U-2 aircraft flying in the air was taken around 1965. There are no markings on the plane indicating its ownership, including the National Aviation Advisory Committee. (Provided by Lockheed Martin Corporation) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
From 1962 to 1967, Charlie Trapp was the chief search and rescue officer of Area 51. After a serious plane crash, Trapp piloted an H-43B helicopter and found the body of "Bull Cart" pilot Walter Ray and the wreckage of the crashed plane. He was awarded an Air Force Medal for his 25 day search and rescue operation. (Provided by Charlie E. Trapp) Don't forget to share your experience!
This photo was taken around 1965. CIA pilot Kenneth Collins, dressed in a full suit, was suspended above the swimming pool in Area 51 for sea survival training. Charlie Trapp sat on the diving board with a technician. (Provided by Charlie E. Trapp) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
The radar workstation at the peak of Mount Tuling. (Provided by Charles E. Trapp)
This photo was taken around 1965. In the CIA project codenamed 'Tagabod', a Mach 3 drone will be launched from the back of the A-12. To avoid confusion with the A-12, the mother aircraft is named M-21 (M represents "mother"), while the drone is named D-21 (D represents "daughter"). (Provided by Lockheed Martin Corporation) Don't forget to share your experience!
The Apollo astronauts received training in a sinkhole at the Nevada Test Site before landing on the moon. Their guide Ernest Williams helped the CIA dig the first well in Area 51. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) What do you think about this?
Astronauts carry simulated aviation backpacks and other equipment while studying the geological structures in atomic craters. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) What do you think about this?
In 1968, a bird's-eye view of Area 51 was taken from the sky. (Provided by the United States Geological Survey/Union of American Scientists) What do you think about this?
The radar in Area 51, this photo was taken around 1968. T. D. Barnes and other engineers from EG&G's special project team are working inside the building on the left side. Whenever Soviet artificial satellites passed overhead, in order to pass the time, they began to play pranks, such as coloring the oddly shaped airplane models on the tarmac and heating them with portable heaters to confuse Soviet infrared camera satellites. (Provided by T. D. Barnes/Chujuan International) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In 1968, a radar antenna was installed on the outskirts of Area 51. (Provided by T. D. Barnes/Chujuan International)
On July 26, 1968, former U-2 reconnaissance pilot Tony Bevaqua flew the legendary aircraft, the SR-71 Blackbird, a variant of the A-12 Bullcart, to Hanoi, Vietnam. This reconnaissance photo shows a SA-2 missile launched from the ground aimed at Bewaqua. This is the first time SR-71 has been attacked by a missile. (Tony Bevaqua/provided by the United States Air Force) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In 1968, Jack Wicks and Kenneth Collins were preparing for Operation Black Shield in North Vietnam at the command center of Kadena Air Force Base. A few months later, it was speculated that Wicks had died, but no one found his body or the wreckage of the crashed plane. (Provided by Kenneth Collins) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
A Soviet MiG-21 fighter jet borrowed by the CIA from Mossad is parked in the hangar of Area 51. Engineers reverse engineered it and conducted simulated air combat exercises in the Nevada desert. The secret project began in the winter of 1968, codenamed "Operation Donut," and gave birth to the United States Navy's most advanced fighter pilot school. (Provided by Zoujuan International/US Air Force) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In 1970, President Nixon awarded the Atomic Pioneer Medal to 80 year old Vannevar Bush at the White House. The other characters in the photo, from left to right, are Glenn T., one of the discoverers of plutonium Siberg, James B. of the Defense Research Council Conant and Leslie R General Groves. Although the latter was the commander of the Manhattan Project, he had to obey Vannevar Bush. (Provided by the US Department of Energy) What do you think about this?
During the 'Bull Cart Plan', Colonel Hugh Slater served as the commander of Area 51. Before taking over the "Bullcart" project, he served as the captain of the CIA's "Black Cat" U-2 squadron and conducted multiple secret reconnaissance missions in China. This photo was taken around 1971, with Colonel Slater standing behind the YF-12 attack variant of the A-12 "Bullcart". (Colonel Hugh Slater/provided by the United States Air Force) Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
For decades, Richard Mingus worked as a security guard in both Area 51 and the Nevada Test Site. This photo was taken in 1979 while he was undergoing weapon training. (Richard Minggs/provided by the National Nuclear Security Agency of the United States) Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In 1985, Leima Horton was in Argentina. (Provided by David Myra)
In 1987, Walter Horton held a miniature model of Horton 10B in Baden Baden, Germany. (Provided by David Myra)
In June 2008, a Predator was parked on the tarmac at Krich Air Force Base in Nevada. The base is located 30 miles south of Area 51, and the location of its runway was once named "Indian Springs". Here, atomic cloud sampling pilots underwent training to traverse mushroom clouds; Before conducting nuclear tests, Dr. Edward Taylor, the father of hydrogen bombs, landed here; Bob Lazar was also interrogated here after breaking into the Grom Lake Highway. (Provided by the United States Air Force/Steve Hequeville) Don't forget to share your experience!
At Krich Air Force Base in Nevada, US Air Force pilots are using remote control technology to operate drones flying to Iraq and Afghanistan. (US Air Force/provided by the author) What do you think about this?
In 2009, the former EG&G office building was located on the outskirts of downtown Las Vegas. (Provided by the author)