Author: Walter Lauder
Translator: Huang Jiayu
Publisher: Baihuazhou Literature and Art Publishing House
Publication time: September 2017

It seems impossible to escape. On May 24, 1940, over 400000 Allied forces were forced to retreat to the Flanders coast near the port of Dunkirk in France. Hitler's tank advance was only ten miles away, with almost no barrier between the two armies. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
However, the besieged troops were eventually rescued. On June 4th, just eleven days later, over 338000 soldiers safely withdrew from England in the greatest rescue operation in history. This was a crucial turning point in World War II. What do you think about this?
As long as the English language continues, "The New York Times declared," the word 'Dunkirk' will be forever recited with reverence. "This statement may sound a bit exaggerated, but the word - this event - has indeed lived in people's hearts. For the British, Dunkirk symbolizes the great sentiment of being willing to sacrifice for the interests of the group; In the eyes of Americans, it already means flight at sea, just like Mrs. Miniver, small boats and The Snow Goose; For the French, it means a painful defeat; For Germans, it represents a good opportunity to never return. What do you think about this?
The above images each have some degree of authenticity, but none of them directly point to the core of the event. People are accustomed to viewing Dunkirk as a series of days; In fact, it should be seen as a series of crises. Just as one crisis has been resolved, another crisis has arisen; The same pattern repeatedly occurs. What is truly important is that people unite against the enemy and refuse to be destroyed by the relentless attacks that come one after another. What do you think about this?
From this perspective, the primary significance of Dunkirk is an inspiring force that reminds us not to forget the human ability to remain calm, adapt to changing circumstances, and overcome adversity. In short, I've found that it's an immortal monument that symbolizes the unwavering will of humanity that cannot be eradicated. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Trapped in a siege
Everyone has their own special moments when they realize something is wrong. yesRoyal Air Force of the United Kingdom Colonel KoldSpeaking of which, it was May 14, 1940, in a market town called Vervins in northeastern France.
Five days have passed since the "outbreak of the great war" - the British like to refer to the German raid on the western front - and the situation is unclear. Kolard departed from the British headquarters in Arras and came to follow What do you think about this?General Andr é - Georges CorapThe staff discussed the situation. General Colap's French Ninth Army is currently responsible for guarding the River Meuse in the south. Don't forget to share your experience!
It is common for the allied forces of the two countries to hold meetings and discuss in this way, but tonight's situation is quite suspicious: the headquarters of Colap disappeared inexplicably, and the general and his subordinates were nowhere to be seen. Only two exhausted French officers remained in the building, sitting around a windbreak lamp with their knees bent... According to them, they were waiting to be captured. Don't forget to share your experience!
Engineer GrimmThe moment of awakening occurred atRoyal 216th Field Engineer CompanyWhen advancing through the French countryside towards the front line. At that time, he noticed that the army was preparing to blow up a bridge. The advancing army, "he pondered," won't blow up the bridge What do you think about this?Private WrightThe awakening came even more fiercely: he went to the wireless communication team under Arasti to collect the weekly mail, and a motorcycle with a sidearm whizzed past him. At first, Wright didn't take it seriously, but upon closer inspection, he broke out in a cold sweat. He suddenly realized that it was a German motorcycle. Don't forget to share your experience!
For those who have just taken officeWinston Churchill Speaking of which, it was 7:30 am on May 15th. He was sleeping in the dormitory of the Navy headquarters building when the phone beside him rang, Have you tried this before? Share your story!French Prime Minister RenaultCall me. We have been defeated, "Renault blurted out in English without hesitation.
A moment of awkward silence. Churchill found a way to calm himself down.
We have been defeated, "Renault continued," we have lost this battle
It's probably impossible to lose so quickly, right? "Churchill finally reluctantly spoke.
The front line near Sedan has been breached, with a large number of German tanks and armored vehicles rushing in
Churchill tried his best to appease Renault - reminding him not to forget the dark period of 1918, which ultimately came to an end - but Renault remained flustered and repeated the same sentence from beginning to end: "We have been defeated, we have lost this battle Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The crisis was so dangerous, and the information available through the phone was so limited, Churchill decided to personally fly to Paris on the 16th to inspect the situation. stay What do you think about this?quai d'Orsay Quai d'Orsay He noticed that everyone had a look of despair, and the elderly clerk had started burning files in the garden. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
This is simply unbelievable. Since 1918, the French army has been widely regarded as one of the most powerful armies in the world. Although Germany formed a new military force in Europe after Hitler's rearmament, its generals have not yet been tested, and Germany's weapons seem to be nothing but deceitful. It is generally believed that Let me know your thoughts in the comments!The Third EmpireConsecutive annexationCentral EuropeThe country relies solely on threats and intimidation. And when the war finally comesThe outbreak occurred in 1939ThepolandAfter falling three weeks later, people still don't take it seriously and believe that this kind of thing will only happen in Poland - not in the West. as for Don't forget to share your experience!Denmark and NorwayThe successive defeats in April 1940 seemed like a despicable trick that would eventually lead to a comeback.
After eight months of calm - the so-called 'symphony war' - Hitler suddenlyNetherlands, Belgium, and LuxembourgLaunch an attack.allied forcesSupreme Commander General Maurice GamelinIt is determined that this attack is a replay of the old events of 1914, and urgent dispatch of troops from the north (including the British Expeditionary Force) is needed to come and rescue. What do you think about this?
However, Gamelin misjudged the situation.This battle is not a rehash of the old tune from 1914. The main force of the German army did not sweep across Flanders in a large scale, but instead launched a southern assault, crossing the 'impassable' Don't forget to share your experience!Ardennes forest Ardennes Forest In theory, this mountainous area is not suitable for tank warfare, and France is even too lazy to stretch what is said to be insurmountable Let me know your thoughts in the comments!Maginot Line of DefenseTo defend this area.
Another misjudgment is whenGeneral Bock of GermanyAt the time when Fedor von Bock's B Army was suppressing the Allies in Belgium,General LunstadGerd von Rundstedt's Army Group A broke through the danger of Aden. Under the escort of 1806 tanks and 325 Stuka dive bombers, the column of L ü nster forcibly crossed the Meuse River and slashed through the French countryside like sharp knives. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
General Kolap's unlucky Ninth Army was the first to bear the brunt. This army was mainly composed of second rate troops and was immediately defeated and left in disarray. A few sporadic tough troops tried to fight, but in the end, they only found their anti tank guns useless. A junior officer finally What do you think about this?Liman Railway StationEnd your own life and leave a farewell message on a postcard to Prime Minister Renault: "I commit suicide here, Mr. Prime Minister, so that you understand that we are a group of brave soldiers, but you cannot send your brothers to fight tanks with rifles Don't forget to share your experience!
About fifty miles southSe DangGeneral Charles EnzigerCharles Huntziger's Second Army also encountered a similar situation. As the German tanks approached step by step, the soldiers of the 71st Division reversed their helmets - a signal of the Communist Party's call - and fled towards the rear. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The three tank brigades of the French army attempted to reverse their decline, but had no chance.One of the tank brigades ran out of fuel, another was captured while unloading at the train dispatch yard, and the third fought sporadically along the front line, being defeated one by one. Don't forget to share your experience!
At this moment, the front of the German armored forces has been cleared without any obstacles.Just after 7am on May 20th, atGeneral Heinz GoodrianIn the excellent 19th Army of Heinz Guderian, the forces of two divisions began to move towardsPeronne(P é ronne) Advance westward. At ten o'clock, they marched confidently through the small town of Albert, where a group of untrained English Territories attempted to block their advance with cardboard barricades... At eleven o'clock, the German army arrived What do you think about this?EdovilleAt noon, the First Armored Division captured Amiens, where Guderian rested and enjoyed the beautiful church tower.
The German Second Armored Division advanced in a mighty manner.At four o'clock in the afternoon, they occupied Beauquesne and seized a warehouse of war readiness, including all maps of the British expeditionary force. Finally, at 9:10 pm, they arrived Let me know your thoughts in the comments!AbbevilleApproaching the seaside. The German army advanced straight within fourteen hours, advancing forty miles and splitting the Allied forces in half. What do you think about this?Nowadays, the British expeditionary force, two French armies, and all Belgian troops, totaling nearly a million soldiers, are trapped in Flanders, facing away from the sea and at any moment at risk of being annihilated in one fell swoop. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
However, the British front-line troops that penetrated deep into Belgium knew nothing about the situation on their flanks and rear, only knowing that they had successfully blocked the German advance on the River Dyer Have you tried this before? Share your story!On May 14th (the day Rundstedt brutally attacked Colap), Private Watkin of the Royal Artillery heard rumors of a great victory for the Allies. That night, he secretly wrote down all the good news in his diary: Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The enemy retreated 6.5 miles. Before nightfall, calm and undisturbed. We opened fire on the emergency line, blocking the barbarians from crossing the Diller River. Many Germans were killed or captured, with a total of 27000 German soldiers killed (official figure). Don't forget to share your experience!
The next day, the situation suddenly changed. The French army disintegrated in the south, and the German army rushed in in large numbers from the gap. Not long after, dense artillery fire attacked the flank of the British army. That night, the bewildered Watkin could only write: Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
What a damn day! We were scheduled to retreat at 10:30 pm and encountered fierce artillery fire during the process. Thank God, everyone is safe and sound... except for shock, I am safe and sound. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
The vast majority of British expeditionary forces were equally puzzled by the sudden change in situation.Between the 16th and 17th, the troops began to retreat along the route, with more and more artillery ports turning towards the south and southwest. On the 18th, the Second Battalion of the Essex Legion was tasked with guarding the La Bass é e Canal facing south. Captain Wilson had doubts in his mind - shouldn't the enemy be in the east? Sir, I don't understand either, "Captain Price, who had just returned from the brigade, agreed," but that's the order we received Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
There is one person who understands very well, and that is the operator who laid out these expedient measures: Viscount Gort, Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary Force Have you tried this before? Share your story!The fifty-three year old Lord Goth is tall and burly. He is not a military strategist (he is happy to obey the French command on such issues). However, he has the specific virtue of a soldier, which is just in use at the moment. He is a great soldier. He successfully raided the Hindenburg defense line in 1918 and won the Victoria Cross. He is calm and calm. Even if Mount Taishan collapsed, he would not change his face. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
His French superior, General Alphonse Joseph Georges, may be shedding tears at this moment, but Gott will never cry. He systematically transformed the task into covering the exposed flank and withdrawing his troops. His well-trained combat division battled against the German army to the east, and in order to deal with new threats from the south and west, he pieced together a miscellaneous army and appointed his chief of military intelligence, Major General Noel Mason Mac Farlane, as commander, giving this army a fitting name: MACFORCE. Mason MacFarlane was an outstanding general, but his actions had the greatest effect of seriously damaging the intelligence network of the Alaska headquarters. Gott seemed indifferent to this: as an eternal warrior, he didn't need those staff anyway. Don't forget to share your experience!
At the same time, he cooperated with the schedule formulated by the French and began to withdraw the front-line troops from the Diller River on the evening of May 16. The new defense line has retreated sixty miles and is located on the River Escaut. This retreat will be carried out in three stages. Have you tried this before? Share your story!