Author: Ian Blake
Translator: Wang Lixin
Publisher: CITIC Publishing Group
Publication time: September 1, 2019

The fact of meeting
However, in recent decades, there has been an increasing consensus among people regarding the facts that occurred during important periods. Starting from the late 1980s, Israeli scholars who claimed to be "new historians" used newly opened official archives to rewrite the history of the 1948 war, which was closer to the traditional Palestinian narrative that Israel had previously used as a propaganda tool, but not entirely identical. What do you think about this?
When the heroic era of Israel's "nation formation" is no longer taboo,Benny Morris, Ethan Papp é, Tom Segev, and Avi ShlaimThe killing spree was carried out in different ways against the early national consensus on the sanctity of inviolability, and controversy erupted over the 1982 Lebanon War and the first incident that occurred during the Tifarada period five years later. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!Palestinian scholarsAlthough lacking Arab sources of literature and unable to access Israeli archives, and limited by their own stateless status, they still began to examine their history more actively, although not producing as many remarkable results. Don't forget to share your experience!
In the 1990s, Walid Khalidi's comprehensive study "All That Remains" laid the foundation for documenting the destruction of Palestine by Israel. Yezid Sayigh's meticulous and detailed account of the Palestinian national movement and its pursuit of nation building cannot be surpassed even after 20 years of publication. Palestinian American historian Rashid Khalidi believes that Zionism is not only another European colonial plan, but also a national movement of the Jewish nation, achieving its goals at the expense of the interests of the Palestinians. This has always been a clear and insightful view. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
There is currently no heated debate, such as in April 1948DelyasinHow many Palestinians died in the Deir Yassin massacre, or how many Arab villages experienced a sharp decline in population or were destroyed during or after that year's war. Few people accept Israel's original statement that it led to What do you think about this?Reasons for Palestinian FlightIt is either a 'miracle' or an order from the invading Arab army. The oral testimony, once considered unreliable, greatly enriched people's understanding of Nakba. The same applies to autobiographical records of this period, where the motivation for leaving records is to provide testimony to traumatic events and prevent memories from being erased. Driven by this spirit, research on Palestinian families, customs, and culture has flourished, and data on old houses and scattered communities has also been collected and published online. Satellite TV channels have increased and maintained people's interest in it. The future of Palestine may be unpredictable, but its past is being studied and showcased in unprecedented ways. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Academic research has penetrated into public awareness.Renowned Israeli journalistAri Shavit caused a huge uproar in 2014, especially in the United States. He based it onIsraeli veteransAn interview was conducted and a report was published, which truthfully recounted the 1948 massacre and the expulsion of thousands of Palestinians Don't forget to share your experience!Lydda The process of Lydda. He candidly referred to it as the 'price of Zionism' (which sparked controversy), but he believed there was no other choice and no expression of remorse. If Zionism wants to continue to exist, Lv Da cannot exist, "wrote Shavit." If Lv Da wants to continue to exist, Zionism cannot exist What do you think about this?In recent years, Israeli leaders have publicly expressed sympathy for the suffering of Palestinians at intervals, but I've found that it's crucial that they refuse to acknowledge responsibility for it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!Historical revisionism, no matter how honest, has strict limitations in the real world.
The constantly changing perspectives indicate that people are currently paying more attention to the core of the conflict between Arabs and Jews, which cannot be further simplified. What do you think about this?
Part of the reason is due to the peace treaties between Israel, Egypt, and JordanThe (apparent) end of interstate wars since 1973, Israel and conservativeArab Gulf Countries RelationsThe cautious' normalization 'and since 2011“The Arab Spring”The bloody turmoil. In addition, the rough but obvious scale of the death toll also indicates that the Israeli Palestinian conflict has escalated, although (perhaps due to) people's efforts to "control" the situation, the problem has not been resolved. Don't forget to share your experience!
Between 1967 and the beginning of the first Intifada, 650 Palestinians died at the hands of Israelis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; From the end of 1987 to September 2000, the total number of deaths was 1491; From the second Intifada to the end of 2006, the number was 4046 Palestinians and 1019 Israelis. The Gaza Strip, which now houses 2 million Palestinians, has experienced four full-scale military operations since 2006. In the 2014 war, as many as 2300 Palestinians died. Don't forget to share your experience!
The Israeli Palestinian conflict remains a global and regional concern, and a root cause of turmoil, pain, hatred, and violence.
The understanding of the past always changes over time.
After 1948, the Israeli version, the victorious version, did indeed dominate, although it never fully dominated. thereafterPalestinians suffer spiritual traumaWithout anyone to lead and scattered, often unknown.They have basically disappeared from the public eye in the West and Israel, and even when mentioned, they are often referred to as "Arab refugees," "Israeli Arabs," Jordanians, or simply "terrorists What do you think about this?.
The support of the majority of Arabs for the Palestinian cause is accompanied by discrimination and exclusion.
It was not until after 1967 that Palestinians began to "reappear", although two years later they wereIsraeli Prime Minister Golda MeirStill making infamous remarks, insisting that there are no Palestinians. However, in 1974, Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), spoke to the world on behalf of Palestine from the United Nations podium - terrorists on one side are freedom fighters on the other. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
In 1988, Arafat declared Palestinian independence and implicitly recognized Israel.
Just five years later, the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Israel officially and explicitly recognized each other in the Oslo Accords, but this pragmatic milestone did not mention the rights and national status of the Palestinians, nor did it lead to a final peaceful solution. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
In fact, it does not signify any form of true reconciliation, and many people on both sides see it as a complete failure. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!The subsequent breakdown of negotiations and unprecedented violence deepened the rift between them, as well as their resentment and alienation towards each other. Don't forget to share your experience!
One country solution, two country solution, no country solution
Since the late 1980s, there has been a broad international consensus that the most persistent conflict in the Middle East can only be resolved by establishing a Palestinian state parallel to Israel - returning to the old idea of partition first proposed by the British Peel Committee in 1937 and adopted by the United Nations 10 years later. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The plan has always had opponents, including Palestinians who refuse to recognize Zionism or the legitimacy of the Jewish state. They believe that the partition ignores the Nagorno Karabakh and the right of return, and sees the endless "peace process" between the extremely unequal sides as a smokescreen for Israel to continue expanding, consolidating, and controlling. Don't forget to share your experience!
Advocating for the ownership of all 'land of Israel', rejecting the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and insisting that the Israelis who already exist in Jordan also oppose partition. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
The long-term failure of Oslo, whose temporary arrangements never led to a final agreement, greatly reduced the possibility of finding a solution. The number of people supporting the two-state solution on both sides is still large, but I've found that it's decreasing. A December 2016 public opinion poll showed that 55% of Israelis and 44% of Palestinians supported the two-state solution, but this was a decrease from 59% and 51% six months ago. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
However, in addition, the support rate for the permanent detailed agreement based on the content proposed in previous rounds of negotiations is lower than the support rate for the principle of a two-state solution. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Oslo AccordsThe final stage agreed upon in the agreement, inBenjamin NetanyahuDuring his first term as Prime Minister, Israel withdrew a portion of its military from Hebron in 1997. Twenty years have passed since then, and apart from Ariel Sharon's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, the current situation remains unchanged. Don't forget to share your experience!
From the failure of the 2000 Camp David summit, the second bloodbath of Tifarda during the border period, the brief restart of the peace process under the leadership of Ehud Ehud Ehud and Mahmoud Abbas, to John Kerry's final efforts in 2014, Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, and borders remain core issues. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
The most significant change in recent years is the number of Israelis living outside the "Green Line" -630000 as of 2016, nearly 10% of Israel's Jewish population - living in approximately 230 settlements that may not have been "approved" by the government. Psychologically speaking, the passage of time makes it difficult for people to believe that occupation is only a temporary situation before a peace agreement is reached, especially for Palestinians. Don't forget to share your experience!
Although most Jews claim (in a very general and unclear way) to accept the idea of two states and agree to use it as a slogan for both sides... they do not accept partition based on the 1967 borders and other necessary conditions to achieve peace Don't forget to share your experience!
Israeli political scientist Daniel Bar Tal concluded in 2014. Many people believe that the concept of dividing the two countries has ceased to exist and lacks credibility. Don't forget to share your experience!
Palestinian Israeli philosopher Ralf Zarek said, "After the concept of national status lost its usual connotations and meanings, the dialogue between the 'two states' was hijacked by the Israeli center right What do you think about this?
Netanyahu, Israel's longest serving Prime Minister from David Ben Gurion until 2017Never explained how to establish a truly Palestinian state. When Netanyahu faces those who are more hardline, he will say 'this won't happen during my tenure,' "said Josie Bailin, a Labour politician and designer of the Oslo Accords." When he talks to those who are more moderate, he will say 'I am ready to talk to Palestinians, I am committed to achieving a two-state solution.' What do you think about this?
At the end of the day, the leader of the 'Likud' group is not prepared to make concessions to truly achieve this solution. Don't forget to share your experience!
In Netanyahu's own words, he would at most consider accepting a "low-level state" of undefined Palestinians rather than a state with full authority. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Anyway, this means demilitarization and Israel's actual control over the area west of Jordan. This is far from what any Palestinian leader, including the easy-going Mahmoud Abbas, can accept. After all, as repeatedly reiterated by Abbas and other leaders, the West Bank and Gaza only account for 22% of Palestine under mandate, while Israel already accounts for 78%. Don't forget to share your experience!
There's no need to ask the Israeli government if they support the two-state solution anymore, "commented experienced journalist Akiva Eldar
The answer can be clearly seen by everyone in the laws and regulations it has passed and implemented. The answer can also be found in the language it promotes and the funds it pays. A country, two ethnic groups - first-class citizens and second-class citizens - gradually built on the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. During Netanyahu's tenure, the term 'apartheid state' has transformed from a label to substance. Don't forget to share your experience!
It seems unlikely that any future Israeli prime minister will take a big step beyond Netanyahu's position and make significant changes. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
From the mesmerizing "David vs. Goliath" empowerment movement in the first Intifada, to Yasser Arafat's declaration of independence in 1988, to the Madrid Peace Conference and the high hopes of Oslo in the early years, Palestinian attitudes have also changed - especially since the rise of Al Aqsa Intifada, Israel's reoccupation of the West Bank, and Hamas. Don't forget to share your experience!
The negotiations between the Palestinian National Authority and Israel have yielded no results, and they continue to engage in security cooperation while increasing settlement activities, resulting in a loss of credibility. This enhances the appeal of armed resistance favored by Islamists and another group of people, while undermining the struggle of nationalists to establish an independent state next to Israel. In the words of a critic, Sudan was a 'failed project'. In March 2015, 49% of Palestinians believed that the National Authority had become a burden on the Palestinian people. What do you think about this?
Moreover, its failure is a continuous embarrassment. In the past decade, the security sector of the national authority has grown at a faster rate than any other sector. By 2013, when Salam Fayyad resigned as Prime Minister, it employed 44% of the 145000 civil servants and accounted for 26% of the entire budget. In April 2017, when Israel announced the establishment of its first brand new West Bank settlement in 20 years - renamed "Geulat Zion" by Long, located near Nablus to accommodate settlers evacuated from the "illegal outpost" of Amona - the Palestinian Liberation Organization expressed outrage: "Netanyahu and his extremist, racist coalition government still adhere to their systematic policies of settlement colonialism, racial segregation, and ethnic cleansing, showing blatant and complete disregard for the human rights, independence, and dignity of Palestinians," the organization protested. Its words are fierce and uncompromising. But the cooperation between the national authorities and Israel remains as usual. Have you tried this before? Share your story!
Nevertheless, Abbas' pursuit of international recognition as a strategy is equivalent to a clear recognition that negotiations with Israel are unlikely to succeed. Independent Palestinian legal experts now oppose land exchange - discussed during and after the Camp David Conference - which would allow Israel to retain its large settlement group, and they believe I've found that it's crucial for implementing any two-state agreement. Civil society activists believe that the "boycott, divestment, and sanction" organization's strategy in ending the occupation is superior, although it requires long-term efforts. The movement aimed at enhancing the self-reliance of Palestinians, including promoting organic Palestinian food and handicrafts through grassroots organizations, seems to be more effective than traditional political activities. These activities combine perseverance with nonviolent resistance. Israel is quite nervous about this boycott movement, and the authorities are using various means to suppress it, including collecting intelligence on supporters, prohibiting them from entering the country, and strengthening the organized "counter delegitimization" movement, indicating that Israel is taking this approach seriously. Have you tried this before? Share your story!